Saturday, April 18, 2009

All in One Health System Monitoring Device from Intel

Keeping our reputation for today to concentrate on senior citizens and aging parents, here is another product whose concept is worn out but the manufacturer may attract you. A health system monitoring device is nothing new to this world of electronics. And their lack of accuracy and productivity also are a source of common complaints. But Intel is now at it to make the most comprehensive medical health system monitoring device for us. So, we are looking forward to it eagerly just because of the reputation that precedes Intel.

The Intel Health Guide PHS6000 looks like a mini-desktop computer and collects patient data such as blood pressure, weight and blood-glucose levels. It comprises of

  • Blood-pressure-measuring devices
  • Weight scales
  • A spirometer(which measures the amount of air going into and out of lungs)
  • A pulse oximeter (which measures oxygen saturation in the blood)
  • Additionally, blood-glucose monitors can be connected to it

More importantly,

The device provides access to doctors through videoconferencing over a secured wired-broadband connection. Health care providers also receive data collected by the device via the connection so that they can monitor how patients are doing.

We are seriously looking forward to it Intel. Please don’t disappoint us.

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